Mines and Technology; large Ukrainian lithium deposit detected

- Raw materials for ceramic industry contain more than 710 thousand of tonnes and lithium carbonate is estimated to more than 18 thousands of tonnes. But we want to get touch with an investor so we can take care of all this, explained Poliakovsky and shows a litium sample at the right. Photo: Markku Björkman

During the Londons technology  conference and the tech show, Mines and Technology, informed Ukrainian geological scientist, Oleksandr Poliakovsky, the attendees about new large lithium deposit couple of hundred kilometer north of coastal town of Odessa. 

Lithium ores are localized in 3 proven mountain areas.

- The first one is located in the rock part of the deposit. It is investigated 550 meters in length and up to a depth of 500 meters. The thickness varies from 10 to 55 m. The second ore massif is explored in depth of 300 meters, told Poliakovsky.

According to him the third is investigated to a depth of 500 meter and has a length of 350 meters.

- Approved previously explored resources of petalite lithium ores is expected in the amount of more than 37 million tons, said Poliakovsky.

- There is, said Poliakovsky, a fair quantity of highways and other roads in the area.

Economically, this region is a combination of extractive and processing industries. The granite, sand and clay minerals for brick making industry are produced.

The region is heavily populated that ensures labor resources supply.. Power supply is possible from the substation network that is part of “Dneprenergo”.

Ore beneficiation is provided by gravity-flotation technology. The further processing foresees the receiving of lithium carbonate, which is used for production of aluminium, in glass and ceramic industries, and for receiving of hydroxide, chloride, lithium bromide and metal lithium.

Annual output of the plant, based on the previously explored resources and annual productivity of ore mine is: Raw materials for rubber and technical industries (more than 94 thousands of tonnes per year)

The main reasons for investing in the Polokhivske lithium deposit are according to Poliakovski:

- the rapid growth in demand for two main lithium products: lithium carbonate (used in ceramics and glass products) and lithium hydroxide (used in production of battery charging for electronic devices);

- the rapid growth of profit of companies engaged in the development of lithium deposits against the backdrop of a rapidly growing demand for lithium product;

- the global race of world auto manufacturers for the production of electric vehicles will allow demand for lithium to increase;

- an inexpecsive labor force together with European location makes it convenient for European market and world market.

All this makes the Polokhivske lithium deposit one of the most attractive investment projects for the exctraction and processing of lithium.