Alba Mineral Resources provides operational update  

Photo: Alba Mineral Resources
Photo: Alba Mineral Resources

Alba Mineral Resources, the diversified mineral exploration and development company, has provided this update on operations and on the outcome of the Board's recent review of the Company’s asset and investment portfolio.

Highlights include:

- The Company has completed a review of its asset and investment portfolio.

- The focus of activities for the remainder of 2019 will be the next phase of field work at Clogau as well as technical studies to refine products and markets for Amitsoq and TBS.

- Preparations for an underground exploration programme at Clogau are underway.

- Alba's Executive Chairman, George Frangeskides, commented:

"After the excellent results we have announced at Clogau over the past 12 months, which have reinforced that project's enormous potential, it should come as no surprise that one outcome of Alba's recent review is that Clogau should continue to be a focus of the business moving forward."

"Our overriding objective will be to continue to deploy the Company's funds towards the fast-tracking of those of our assets that can most quickly move into the development and production phases, as that is where Alba will be able to make significant returns for shareholders, with cash-flow generated either from production or, if the right opportunity arises, by selling an asset for a multiple of our total exploration spend."