Goliath delivers more high grade for Treasury Metals

Photo: Treasury Metals
Photo: Treasury Metals

Treasury Metals announces the assay results from the initial nine holes of its 15,000 metre exploration program, including results from the Eastern C Zone and Main Zone targets at the Company’s flagship Goliath Gold Project located in northwestern Ontario.

Highlights include:

TL19-505: 7.4 g/t Au over 6.3 m including 10.13 g/t Au over 4.0 m in the Main Zone.

The Eastern C Zone exploration target – TL19-503: intersected 14.8 g/t Au over 7.0 m including 101.0 g/t over 1.0 m.

TL19-502: 5.2 g/t Au over 7.0 m in the Main Zone.

Targeting the Eastern C Zone - TL19-506: 14.6 g/t Au over 1.0 m, 11.8 g/t over 1.0 m, and 8.13 g/t over 1.0m intersecting in a newly discovered lens of high-grade mineralization east of the existing resource area. The C Zone intersected a wide, lower grade halo of gold mineralization (6.8 m @ 1.35 g/t).

TL19-507: 6.2 g/t Au over 4.0 m in the Main Zone.

TL19-508: 4.1 g/t Au over 5.4 m including 9.7 g/t Au over 2.0 m in the Main Zone.

TL19-510: 4.25 g/t Au over 5.0 m in the Main Zone.

Treasury’s Eastern C Zone infill and expansion drilling program has progressed well with significant intersections encountered to date in the sparsely drilled area to the east of the currently defined resource area. The drilling results show consistent zones of strong alteration and a mineralized envelope with high-grade lenses within it. These results have the potential to lead to further resources for inclusion in future resource estimates and mining studies.

Of note is the newly discovered Main Zone gold intersections in this drilling program to the east of the resource area in holes designed to target the C Zone. The drill holes intersected the Main Zone with meaningful gold grades in an area that had previously not been considered Main Zone targets.  Further investigation of this area will be conducted as the program progresses.


Additional drilling of the Main Zone shows high potential for upgrading of the current Goliath Gold Project’s mineral resources.