Simon Matthis (44)
Canada’s Kinross Gold has unveiled plans to re-start its La Coipa gold project in Chile. The investment is estimated to be worth some $225 million for the years 2020 to 2021, the miner said in a statement.
“Production is expected to start in Q1 2022, strengthening Kinross’ port-folio and production profile and allowing the Company to maintain option-ality to continue studying potential upside opportunities in the area,” Kin-ross Gold said in a statement.
J. Paul Rollinson, the president and CEO of Kinross Gold, said the com-pany “achieved key project and exploration milestones in 2019 to strengthen our portfolio and future production profile.”
Along with the miner’s other projects, the development allows Kinross Gold to add some 7.7 million oz to its measured and indicated mineral resources in 2019, an increase of 28% year-on-year, according to data released by the Canadian business.