Canadian miner to invest $282M in African nickel-copper project

Photo: Sama Resources
Photo: Sama Resources

Canada’s Sama Resources has released a prelimi-nary economic assessment in which it declares plans to invest some $282 million in launching a copper-nickel mine in Ivory Cost. The amount co-vers initial capital costs and sustaining capital expenditure.


According to the document, the company’s Samapleu project is estimated to produce an average of 3,900 tonnes of carbonyl nickel powder, 8,400 tonnes of carbonyl iron powder, as well as 14,100 tonnes of copper con-centrate per year over the life of the mine.


“These results highlight the value of the Samapleu Nickel-Copper asset for the company,” said Marc-Antoine Audet, the president and CEO of Sama Resources, as quoted in a statement. “That said, the Sama-HPX team will continue with its exploration efforts aiming at delineating mas-sive sulphide accumulation that could be the source of high-grade nickel, copper and palladium lenses intersected in drill holes at the Samapleu deposits.”