Final assays confirm high nickel sulphide discovery at Corcel project

Map: Eurobattery Minerals
Map: Eurobattery Minerals

Eurobattery Minerals AB, a growth company in the mining and exploration industry with the vision to help Europe become self-sufficient in ethical battery minerals, recently announced the final results for sulphide mineral tests at the nickel, cobalt, copper Castriz prospect in Galicia, northwest Spain. In the larger Corcel project, Castriz is one of three primary prospects together with Monte Mayor and Monte Castello.

Key points:

·    Final assay results received from nickel sulphide (Ni•S) assays on mineralised samples from recent drilling at the Castriz prospect in northwest Spain confirm significant nickel sulphide discovery at Castriz.

·    Analytical methods that detect nickel sourced from sulphide minerals has shown that 75% to 85% of the total nickel from the main mineralised intervals previously reported is from sulphide minerals.

A total of 129 samples from four different drill holes from the 2019 Castriz drilling were analysed by ALS Global[1] in Perth, Australia, using methods for analysing the proportion of nickel in a rock sourced from sulphide minerals. Nickel sulphide, also known as Class 1 nickel, is the preferred mineral for producing the intermediate products required for electric battery applications. The latest results from across previously reported intervals confirms most of the nickel is sourced from economic sulphide minerals.


– The final assay results confirm Castriz to be a significant nickel sulphide discovery. With these results, we have taken a large step forward in our ambition to become a producer of battery minerals and thus a significant contributor to the foundation of the battery value chain in Europe. We will now look into different development scenarios at Castriz, including mineral processing and mining studies, said Roberto García Martínez, CEO of Eurobattery Minerals.