IronRidge Resources announces additional drilling results at the Zaranou gold project, Côte d’Ivoire

Photo: IronRidge Resources
Photo: IronRidge Resources

IronRidge Resources Limited announces additional drilling results from the second phase drilling programme at the Ebilassokro and Ehuasso targets, both within the Zaranou Gold Project area (“Zaranou”).  The license borders with Ghana and is along strike from significant operating gold mines including Chirano (5Moz), Bibiani (5.5Moz) and Ahafo (17Moz).


- Additional high-grade and broad low-grade air core (“AC”) results received for 1m primary samples of previously announced 4m composite results over the Ehuasso target.

- New 4m composite results received for reverse circulation (“RC”) drilling completed over the Ehuasso Main target, confirming continuity within the 160m spaced drill grid and further enhancing the target for follow-up infill drilling.

- High-grade and broad low-grade 1m primary AC sample results (from the previously reported 4m composites on 30 July 2020) reported at a 0.1g/t cut-off and maximum 1m of internal dilution.

- Broad 4m composite RC sample results reported at a 0.1g/t cut-off and maximum 1m of internal dilution, including highlights:

- RC drilling now completed for the second phase programme with a total of 2,077m in 12 holes drilled.

- Second phase drilling programme now completed with a total of 20,312m in 404 AC holes drilled and 2,077m in 12 RC holes drilled.

- Assays pending for remaining targeted Ehuasso RC drill holes including intervals with visible gold and Ebilassokro reconnaissance AC drilling.

- Planning and access construction now underway for the third phase RC and AC drill programme, with drilling planned to commence end Q3 2020.

 Commenting on the Company’s latest progress, Len Kolff, Chief Operating Officer of IronRidge, said:


“The additional results received for the AC 1m primary samples continue to confirm and provide better resolution at 1m intervals, for the previously announced 4m composites.


“The new 4m composite sample results received for additional RC holes drilled within the Ehuasso Main target are significant as they confirm mineralisation continuity along 1.4km of strike with mineralisation still open in both directions.


“Assay results are pending for the last four RC holes drilled within the Ehuasso target, including the visible gold observed in hole ZARC0019 within the Ehuasso Main target, and AC holes along the second reconnaissance drill line within the Ebilassokro target.


“The second phase drill programme has now been completed for a total of 22,389m drilled in 416 holes, with 20,312m in 404 AC holes and 2,077m in 12 RC holes along the Ehuasso and Ebilassokro targets.


“Field teams are now taking a well-earned break, whilst a relief crew is on site to commence site access construction for a planned third phase infill RC programme within the Ehuasso Main target and step-out AC exploration programme along the Ebilassokro, Ehuasso and Yakasse targets, to commence end Q3 2020.”