Canadian miner eyes larger production at Mexico, Peru mines

Photo: Sierra Metals
Photo: Sierra Metals

Canada’s Sierra Metals has announced a major resource update for its Yauricocha polymetallic mine in Peru, and the Cusi silver mine in Mexico.


The company has reported a “large increase in the mineral resource tonnage at … Yauricocha … [enabling an] increase in throughput to 5,500 tonnes per day from today’s permitted 3,150 tonnes per day,” the Toronto-based business said in a statement. This would allow the company to raise the Peruvian mine’s production by close to 75 per-cent.


In addition to this, Sierra Metals has updated the total measured and indicated resources at its Cusi silver mine to some 5.356 million tonnes. This is an increase of 18 percent compared with the previ-ously reported 4.557 million tonnes, the business said in a statement.


In addition to the Yauricocha and Cusi mines, the company operates a third mine, the Bolivar, located in Mexico.