Chinese investors ready to invest US$ in gold mining in Tajikistan

Muruntau gold mine, one of the largest gold mines in Uzbekistan. Photo:  Uzbek state press-service
Muruntau gold mine, one of the largest gold mines in Uzbekistan. Photo: Uzbek state press-service

Chinese investors plan to invest up to US$150 million in the development of gold mining fields in Tajikistan within the next several years, according to recent statements, made by representatives of investors and an official spokesman of the Tajik government.

It is planned, the project, which involves the development of gold mines in the Aininsky region (Northern Tajikistan) of the country will be implemented by the joint Chinese-Tajik company Talco Gold.

The explored reserves of these mines exceed 50 tonnes. In addition to gold, the reserves are characterized by high concentration of some minerals, particular antimony.

As part of the plans is also building a complex, that will specialize on processing of obtained metals and metalloids.

Most of the funds for project will be provided by the Chinese business.

At present more than 80% of Tajik gold and other mines are developed by the joint Chinese-Tajik companies and it is expected that the interest of Chinese business for investments in the Tajik mining sector will continue to grow in years to come.