Canadian miner acquires assets to expand production

Photo: Yamana Gold
Photo: Yamana Gold

Canadian miner Yamana Gold has announced its acquisi-tion of the Francoeur, Arntfield and Lac Fortune gold properties ad-joining the Company’s Wasamac project, as well as additional claims in the Beauchastel township.


By buying these assets from Globex Mining Enterprises, Yamana Gold says it aims to add to the exploration upside of its project in Quebec. The deal is worth about C$15 million (US$12.5 million).


"Data from the Globex properties and the adjoining Wasamac project will be consolidated, and exploration drilling is expected to begin dur-ing the second half of 2021 with the objective of adding mineral re-sources that could extend mine life or enhance production at the pro-posed Wasamac mine," the Canadian miner said in a statement.


Wasamac, Francoeur and Arntfield have recorded past production of more than 823,000 oz of gold, according to data from Yamana Gold.