Kinross resumes operations at Mauritanian mine

Photo: Kinross
Photo: Kinross

Activities re-launched Canadian miner Kinross Gold Corporation has resumed mining at the Tasiast open-pit gold mine in Mauritania following a temporary suspension due to a fire that occurred in mid-June.


Kinross said in a statement there were no injuries caused by the fire.


“Mining activities have resumed at Tasiast, including stripping to ac-cess higher grade ore. Construction work on the Tasiast 24k expan-sion project has also resumed and the Company is evaluating oppor-tunities to optimize the project while milling operations are sus-pended,” according to Kinross.


“Kinross is drawing on resources from across the Company to expe-dite actions to reduce the SAG mill’s downtime and to review all po-tential strategies to mitigate the expected production deferral. With mining activities continuing at Tasiast, Kinross expects to process stockpiles of higher grade ore when the mill restarts,” the company said.