Canadian miner obtains positive assessment for Liberian gold mine

Photo: Pasofino
Photo: Pasofino

Canada’s Pasofino Gold Limited has an-nounced the results of its preliminary economic assessment (PEA) on the Dugbe gold project, which includes both the Dugbe F and Tu-zon deposits, in Liberia. The miner says it detected “significant pro-duction potential for a new gold district”.


The PEA provides the basis for the establishment of a “5M tpa oper-ation, producing approximately 2.5 Moz of gold,” Pasofino said in a statement, adding that the Liberian mine could have a life of 14 years.


The mine’s pre-production capital requires an investment of about USD 391 million, according to the PEA.


Based on the figures obtained from the assessment, the Canadian miner could launch a “steady state average annual gold production of approximately 188K oz, with peak production of approximately 226K oz in year 8 of operation,” the statement said.