German company completes Indian contract

Photo: Takraf
Photo: Takraf

Germany’s Takraf has announced the completion of a conveyor system for the greenfield Utkal Alumina project in the Orissa state of India with a length of about 19 km.


“The contract from Utkal Alumina International Limited (UAIL) called for an overland conveyor system to transport bauxite from the mines to a new 4.5 mtpa alumina plant. This also included the longest sin-gle- flight conveyor system to be installed to date within Indian terri-tory,” Takraf said in a statement.


The company claims that, owing to the high “quality bauxite as its input, and tightly integrated logistics between the mines and the re-finery, Utkal Alumina’s operating cost per ton of alumina is among the lowest in the world. The bauxite for Utkal Alumina is sourced entirely from the Baphlimali mines, some 16 km (aerial distance) from the plant site in the Doragurha village.”


Takraf says it specialises in solutions for the global mining, bulk ma-terial handling and minerals processing industries.