Fortuna, Roxgold complete combination, eye West African development

Photo: Fortuna
Photo: Fortuna

Combination finalised Canada’s Fortuna Silver Mines Inc. has an-nounced the completion of the combination between the company and Roxgold. The transaction paves the way for the creation of a “global premier growth-oriented intermediate gold and silver pro-ducer,” Fortuna said in a statement.


Jorge A. Ganoza, the president and chief executive of Fortuna, said that, following the deal, the new entity will focus on increasing its foot-hold in West Africa’s mining sector.


“We look forward to a successful integration and to continue building the business in West Africa on the solid foundations cemented by Roxgold,” Ganoza said.


Fortuna is is a precious metals mining company with four operating mines, as well as a development project, located in Argentina, Mex-ico, Peru, Côte d’Ivoire, and Burkina Faso.


Canada-based Roxgold had established itself as a gold mining busi-ness with assets located in West Africa.