Ero Copper develops Brazilian mine

Photo: Ero Copper
Photo: Ero Copper

Improved results Ero Copper has announced deepening extension drill-ing within the Pilar mine in Brazil, has delineated a new open zone of “Superpod” mineralization that extends over 350 meters in strike length at the deepest limits of the previously defined inferred mineral resource shell from 2020.


“From north to south, results are highlighted by a selection of some of the best drill results drilled by the Company in the Curaçá Valley to date,” the Canadian company said in a statement.


Commenting on the latest development, David Strang, the chief executive of Ero Copper, said “the holes we have drilled in the Deepening Extension of the Pilar Mine are not only some of the best intercepts we have ever drilled as a Company, but rank favorably amongst all copper exploration drilling globally over the last few years.”


“On the back of these drill results, and in parallel with detailed engineering work currently underway for the Deepening Extension Project, we are ad-vancing new studies aimed at potentially unlocking additional value from the Deepening Extension zone of the Pilar Mine,” he said.