Canadian miner reports lower quarterly gold production

Photo: Barrick
Photo: Barrick

Canadian miner Barrick Gold Corporation has unveiled its preliminary production results for the second quarter of 2021, at 1.04 mil-lion oz of gold and 96 million lb of copper, claiming the company was on track to achieve its 2021 guidance despite a quarterly drop in output.


“Preliminary Q2 gold production was lower than Q1, with planned mainte-nance shutdowns at Nevada Gold Mines’ … processing facilities further impacted by a mechanical mill failure at Carlin’s Goldstrike roaster, as well as planned maintenance at Pueblo Viejo,” the miner said in a state-ment.


“The Goldstrike roaster is currently operating at a reduced rate and work to repair the mill is expected to be completed in Q3, with actions being taken to mitigate the impact on NGM’s full year production,” according to Barrick Gold Corporation.


The business says it will release its full results for the second quarter of 2021 results before market open on 9 August 2021.