Kinross signs definitive deal with Mauritanian government

Photo: Kinross
Photo: Kinross

Agreement reached Canadian miner Kinross Gold Corporation has inked a definitive agreement with Mauritania’s government, aiming “to provide enhanced certainty on Tasiast economics”.


The agreement confirms a number of benefits for the company’s Ta-siast gold mine, including the continuation of certain tax cuts, and the repayment of about US$40 million in outstanding value-added tax (VAT) refunds to Kinross by the Mauritanian government, the com-pany said in a statement.


“We are pleased to finalize the balanced agreement with the Govern-ment of Mauritania to further strengthen our longstanding and con-structive relationship,” said J. Paul Rollinson, the president and CEO of Kinross Gold Corporation. “We look forward to continue delivering strong results at Tasiast for the benefit of both Kinross and Maurita-nia.”


Kinross says it owns mines and projects located in the US, Brazil, Russia, Mauritania, Chile and Ghana.