Mexico-focused silver miner expands production

Photo: Impact Silver
Photo: Impact Silver

Mexico-focused miner Impact Silver has reported through-put at its mill totaled 37,833 tonnes in the second quarter of 2021, up 47.8 percent compared with the same period a year earlier. Between April and June 2021, the company expanded its silver production by 16 percent to 150,331 oz, up from 129,570 oz in the same period a year earlier.


Impact Silver says it operates two silver production centres within the company’s 21 sq. km claim package south-west of Mexico City.


Fred Davidson, the president and CEO of Impact Silver, said in a state-ment that in the second quarter of “2021 the market realized a more ra-tional price range for silver after the first quarter rush to metal equities from retail investors thanks to the Silver Squeeze trend. With ongoing op-erational efficiencies, we continue to demonstrate Impact’s earnings po-tential and continue to evaluate brownfield development targets to ad-vance to production.”


“This quarter marks a full year since the start of the COVID-19 global pan-demic and the temporary suspension and restart of operations in Mexico in Q2 2020,” he said.