Canadian miner to expand Namibian mine

Photo: Trevali
Photo: Trevali

Vancouver-based miner Trevali has unveiled posi-tive results from its feasibility study to expand the Rosh Pinah zinc-lead-silver mine in Namibia. Under the project, the mine’s mill throughput is to be expanded from some 0.7 million tonnes per year to 1.3 million tonnes per year, the company said in a statement.


Detailed engineering and procurement of long-lead items is expected to begin in the fourth quarter of 2021, with construction to commence in mid-2022, according to the statement. Commercial production is to be launched around mid-2024.


Ricus Grimbeek, the president and CEO of Trevali, said that the “RP2.0 project will modernize and expand the 50-year-old mine, increasing throughput by 86% and enabling the operation to increase production at a significantly lower operating cost, all while working more safely and re-ducing our environmental footprint.”