South African miner eyes 2.7M oz annual gold production by 2024

Photo: Gold Fields
Photo: Gold Fields

South African miner Gold Fields is planning to in-crease its gold output in the next three years, according to senior com-pany representatives.


Chris Griffith, the chief executive of the Johannesburg-based miner said in a statement, that Gold Fields “has a solid production profile” of more than 2 million oz per year for the next decade.


“However, during that time we anticipate that our annual production will grow to 2.7Moz by 2024 before declining as some of our mines come to the end of their lives. We believe that we must now start looking at ways of preserving the value we have created beyond 2024,” he said.


Gold Fields operates nine mines across the world, with operations located in South Africa, West Africa, South America, and Australia, according to data released by the business.