Canadian gold miner advances drilling

Photo: Klondike
Photo: Klondike

Vancouver-based gold miner Klondike Gold has released an update on the exploration progress of its 586 square kilometre Klondike district project in Canada’s Yukon Territory.


Drill Phases 1, 2 and 3 are complete, and the company is currently awaiting assays from 45 holes totaling 6,532 metres drilled, Klongike Gold said in a statement.


“A Phase 4 addition to the 2021 drilling program consisting of approx-imately 15 holes totalling 1,500 meters is planned to include testing a new target area located by recent prospecting described below. Phase 4 drilling is scheduled to being in early September,” the miner said.


Peter Tallman, the president and CEO of Klondike Gold, commented that the “[r]ecent prospecting efforts have targeted LIDAR features interpreted as faults identified from a 2019 high resolution survey of the Company's entire Klondike District Project. This work has located blocks of sub-cropping quartz veining with coarse pyrite and (rarely) visible gold associated along a 2km LIDAR feature which is a com-pelling new exploration target for Phase 4 drill testing.”