New PEA for U.S. vanadium project

Photo: Silver Elephant
Photo: Silver Elephant

New assessment Canadian miner Silver Elephant Mining has re-leased the results of its preliminary economic assessment (PEA) for the Gibellini vanadium project in Nevada, the U.S.


The PEA “demonstrates an after-tax internal rate of return (“IRR”) of 25.4%, and after-tax cumulative cash flow of $260.8 million, assum-ing an average vanadium pentoxide (V2O5) price of $10.00 per pound,” the miner said in a statement.


“The Gibellini project is designed to be an open pit, heap leach oper-ation in Nevada’s Battle Mountain region (25 km south of Eureka) with initial capital cost of $147 million, average annual production is 10.2 million pounds of V2O5,” according to the statement.


During the capital period, an initial leach pad with a capacity of some 16.7 Mst is to be constructed. It will be followed by one expansion of about 16.7 Mst, the miner said.