Australian lithium producer increases Pilgangoora’s resource estimate

Photo: Pilbara Minerals
Photo: Pilbara Minerals

Higher estimate Australian lithium producer Pilbara Minerals has un-veiled an increase in the estimated resources of the firm’s Pilgangoora tantalum-lithium project in Western Australia.


The company said in a statement that, the “further substantial increase in the Mineral Resource at its flagship 100%-owned Pilgangoora Lithium-Tantalum Project in WA’s Pilbara region” is raising the estimated re-sources to some 308.9 million tonnes, reinforcing the miner’s “position as the world’s premier hard rock lithium operation.”


Pilbara Minerals said that the new integrated mineral Resource estimate “will underpin a new Ore Reserve estimate for Pilgangoora, scheduled for completion by October 2021.”


Pilbara Minerals’ Managing Director and CEO, Ken Brinsden, the manag-ing director and CEO of Pilbara Minerals, commented that the “landmark Resource upgrade is another clear indication of Pilgangoora’s position as the world’s premier hard- rock lithium asset. The scale of the endowment is quite remarkable, with the integration of the adjoining Ngungaju Re-source, combined with highly successful development and drilling pro-grams, taking our resource inventory well and truly to the next level.”