Miner reports discoveries at Colombian gold project

Photo: FenixOro Gold

Canadian miner FenixOro Gold has announced the discovery of six wider zones of mineralization on four different veins in the northern block of the Abriaqui gold project in Colombia.


“These wide zones have the characteristics to 'Buritica style' miner-alization, high grade centers surrounded by wider zones of lower grade mineralization, found at the nearby Buritica mine owned by Zi-jin Mining (acquired from Continental Gold),” the Toronto-based com-pany said in a statement.


The Abriaqui project is located some 15 km to the west in Colombia’s Antioquia state at the northern end of the Mid-Cauca gold belt, accor-ding to the statement.


“Six intersections on the Santa Teresa, Romperopa 1, Footwall and Baul vein thicknesses range from 7.7 to 20.1 meters and gold grades range from 2.2 g/t gold to 8.5 g/t gold,” FenixOro Gold said.