Canadian copper, gold miner secures funds for expansion

Photo: Libero Copper and Gold

Additional capital Vancouver-based Libero Copper and Gold has unveiled it closed two tranches of US$8.3 million worth of financing, providing the Canadian miner with addition funds for its operations and investments.

The business “holds a collection of porphyry copper deposits throughout the Americas in prolific but stable jurisdictions. The port-folio includes Big Bulk, a fully permitted and drill ready porphyry cop-per-gold target and Big Red, a new greenfield discovery in the Golden Triangle – both projects are located in British Columbia, Can-ada; Esperanza, a porphyry copper-gold and epithermal gold project in San Juan, Argentina; and Mocoa, a porphyry copper-molybdenum deposit located in Putumayo, Colombia,” Libero Copper and Gold said in a statement.

Earlier this year, the Canadian firm signed an exploration drilling con-tract with Kluane Colombia for at least 5,000 metres of drilling at the Mocoa porphyry copper-molybdenum deposit in Colombia.