Miner eyes high silver, gold production at Mexican project

Photo: Vizsla Silver

Positive results Canada’s Vizsla Silver has reported initial metallur-gical test results for the Napoleon resource area at the company’s flagship Panuco silver-gold project in Mexico.


“Open circuit rougher bulk flotation testing yielded recoveries of up to 93% for silver (Ag), 90% gold (Au), 94% lead (Pb), and 94% zinc (Zn),” the Vancouver-based business said in a statement.


The test programme was designed and overseen by Ausenco Engi-neering Canada Inc., and finalised by ALS Canada Ltd, according to the miner.


“The results of preliminary metallurgical testing at Napoleon are a major milestone for Panuco as it significantly de-risks the Project ahead of the maiden resource in the first quarter of 2022,” said Mi-chael Konnert, the president and chief executive of Vizsla Silver.


“With high precious metals recoveries demonstrated through a vari-ety of different processing flowsheets, the Project has considerable flexibility in terms of processing strategies. As we move forward, the project team will be able to evaluate and select the best option, or use multiple processing options to optimize project returns,” he said.