Miner unveils new U.S. lithium assets

Photo: Sienna Resources
Photo: Sienna Resources

Vancouver-based miner Sienna Resources has an-nounced the company’s maiden drill programme has revealed a new lithium discovery at its Blue Clay lithium project in Clayton Valley, in the U.S. state of Nevada.

“Lithium values as high as 1230 ppm Li were encountered with 800 ppm Li over 120 feet, including 1,011 ppm Li over 40 feet. The Blue Clay Lithium Project consists of 150 contiguous claims totaling ap-proximately 2,950 acres prospective for lithium right in the heart of the Clayton Valley in Nevada, which is currently home to the only producing lithium region in North America,” the Canadian company said in a statement.

Jason Gigliotti, the president of the business, commented that the latest contract marks “[d]omestically sourced lithium is in massive de-mand especially in light of recent global events. We couldn't be more excited about this new discovery and are immediately planning the next phase of drilling to delineate the lithium held within the property.”