Calidus Resources obtains final approval for mining at Blue Spec gold project

Photo: Calidus Resources
Photo: Calidus Resources

Calidus Resources Limited announces that it has received all the Environmental Permits needed for it to start mining the high-grade Blue Spec Gold Project in WA’s Pilbara.

Blue Spec is a high-grade underground project located within trucking distance of the Warrawoona Gold Project. Blue Spec is one of several Calidus expansion plans for Warrawoona. These include development of the underground mine below the main Klondyke Open Pit at Warrawoona which will target the higher grade main lode of the Klondyke orebody and ongoing review of the high-grade Haoma JV Projects for near-mine bolt on opportunities.

Calidus Managing Director Dave Reeves said “Receipt of this final approval means all our immediate expansion plans are fully permitted. “The Front End Engineering Study on the plant is progressing well and we believe we will see significant capital reduction from the numbers released in the feasibility study. We are also close to finalising offtake discussions for the Copenhagen concentrate which will be the first concentrate produced by the flotation plant. “Our review of the Haoma JV projects is continuing and we look forward to providing additional information on these high grade deposits as we conclude our review”.

Calidus Resources is an ASX listed gold producer that is ramping up the 1.7Moz Warrawoona Gold Project in the East Pilbara district of Western Australia.