Chile’s Antofagasta advances decarbonisation plans

Chile’s Antofagasta advances decarbonisation plans. Photo by Antofagasta
Chile’s Antofagasta advances decarbonisation plans. Photo by Antofagasta

New plan Chilean miner Antofagasta has announced that its Board of Directors has approved the company’s updated greenhouse gas emissions targets.


Under its scopes 1 and 2, the miner aims to reach a 50% reduction by 2035 on the basis of absolute emissions. Under the scope 3, Antofagasta istargeting a 10% reduction by 2030 on the basis of a no-action scenario of projected emissions, the business said in a statement.


Iván Arriagada Antofagasta’s chief executive, said that the release of the company‘s targets “follows detailed work to further understand our current emissions footprint, relevant technologies to support decarbonisation and our pathway to net-zero copper production.”


“With regards to our value chain emissions, we have identified that our suppliers of goods and services represent more than 50% of our total Scope 3 emissions and we will be working to address this area through our Suppliers for a Better Future programme that was launched in December 2022,” he said.