B2Gold advances Canadian gold project

B2Gold is based in Canada. Photo by B2Gold
B2Gold is based in Canada. Photo by B2Gold

Investment underway Canadian miner B2Gold Corp. has reported progress on its Goose project in Canada.


Construction at the Goose Project continues to progress on track, with the project remaining on schedule for first gold pour in the first quarter of 2025,” the company said in a statement.


B2Gold said that, as part of its work on the project, concrete and steel works in the mill area to date continue to progress ahead of schedule. Exterior cladding of the mill building and truck shop is complete, and cladding of the power house will start in the first quarter of 2024.” 


Additionally, the ball mill will be set in place in the first quarter of 2024, approximately four months ahead of schedule,” according to the statement.


Set up in 2007, B2Gold says it is a low-cost international senior gold producer based in Vancouver, Canada.