Agenda - Swedish project for genus-conscious mining sector

Female mine truck driver. Photo: International Women in Mining

The Swedish mining sector is today successful and innovative, but unfortunately, it is also male-dominated, according to the research project Agenda.

Agenda not only wants to facilitate more equal staff structures in the mining industry but also establish a model for a socially sustainable and internationally attractive workplace culture.

The mining sector is one of Sweden's most important innovation areas and includes a variety of business areas - besides the mining industry, suppliers of ore mining equipment. A problem area for the mining sector is that it is a male-dominated culture. Agenda wants to make the mining sector's workplaces attractive to female and male recruits, as well as creating an international predecessor model, with gender research as the main tool.

Initially, the primary objective will be to initiate a knowledge and research bank on gender and gender equality in the mining sector.

The research will then contribute to the realization of the agenda's vision for Swedish mining in 2030:

Agenda wants to become a precursor in breaking both ore and gender patterns. The country's ore producers are internationally attractive workplaces thanks to an equal corporate culture
New gender-based patterns stimulate innovation and innovation, which in turn gives growth and development.

In order to ensure future innovative, innovative and competitive Swedish mining sites and meet the agenda of the agenda, a broad focus is required on gender research in the mining industry, with emphases in the following areas: gender structure's current appearance inequality costs challenges and changes for today's gender positions.

The need for future gender research in the mining sector has been identified jointly by mining companies, society and researchers. In Sweden, there are extensive resources of competence and awareness about gender issues, which together with innovative thinking in the mining sector can give significant synergies to other major employers in Swedish industry in general.