Chilean miner approves $1.3BN copper project

Photo: Antofagasta

Chilean Copper miner Antofagasta Plc has unveiled the approval of its expansion project at Minera Los Pelambres which will add an average of some 60,000 tonnes of copper per year to the mines production in the first 15 years of operation.

"Construction of this $1.3 billion project will start at the beginning of 2019 and first production is expected in the second half of 2021. Throughput at the plant will be increased from the current capacity of 175,000 tonnes of ore per day to an average of 190,000 tonnes of ore per day," the company said in a statement. "The plant expansion includes an additional SAG mill, ball mill and the corresponding flotation circuit with 24 additional cells."

The Chilean mine is a joint venture in which Antofagasta has a 60% stake, and consortiums led by JX Nippon and Mitsubishi hold the remaining 40% of the shares.