The mining companies should pay more for Finnish minerals, politicians think

One should never laugh at Finnish bureaucrats. Now the foreigners get production tax, which means that the tax is calculated on the basis of the refined ore transported from the mining area. Photo: Creative Commons, Photo: Niekveriaan

Finnish Broadcasting company, Yle's latest opinion poll shows that most of the parliamentary parties want to see a new mining tax in Finland. Six parties want the mining companies to pay more for the minerals they extract.

The international mining companies have got their eyes on Finnish natural resources. In Yle's opinion poll, the question was asked:

Should one use a mining tax or equivalent compensation in Finland so that the mining companies pay more for the minerals they extract?

On this question, the Center, the SDP (Socialdemocrats), the Greens, the Left Union, the Christian Democrats and the Blue replied "yes" while the National Party and SFP replied that the matter should be investigated before they take a position on the matter.

How would that be realized?

Yle also asked the parties how this would be realized. There are several alternatives, but in practice, five different tax models apply.

Most support among the parties receives a production tax. SDP and the Christian Democrats support this model. In addition, the Center and Left Federation see it as an alternative.

Production tax means that the tax is calculated on the basis of the refined ore transported from the mining area.

Another proposal that receives support is a so-called  ”breaking the surface tax”. With this model, one would tax the amount of stone that is broken on the quarries.

This model receives support from the Greens and the Left Federation considers it an alternative.

Last but not least, another model is proposed where, for example, additional fees would be added in connection with the property tax. The fees would be paid by the mining companies and go either to the state or the municipality.

The party called the true Finns also participated in the survey but replied that a new mining tax is not needed - on the other hand, the current remuneration should be reallocated.