Effective mining the great issue at Mines and Technology

Harry Sandström, programme director of Geological Survey of Finland, invites more foreign investing in mining in Finland. ( Photo: Markku Björkman)
Minerals of Finland. Map: Mining Finland

The second day of Helsinki conference "Mines and Technology" was mainly enchancing the effectiviness of day-to-day mine production.

Harry Sandström, programme director of Geological Survey of Finland, was evaluating his country´s contribution to mining cluster and development of mining technology in Finland.

- It has been estimated that Finland and Sweden provide approx. 80 percent of technology used in underground mines worldwide, Sandström said.

Finland has, according to Sandström, a long history of mining activity, and Finnish metallurgical technology and manufacturers of mining equipment are well known throughout the international mining community.

The exploitation of copper, nickel, cobalt, zinc and lead ores as well as chromium, vanadium and iron deposits has provided the raw material base for the country's metal industry, with significant processing and refining of copper and nickel concentrates at Harjavalta, zinc at Kokkola, and chromium at Kemi, and of iron at Raahe. The major industrial minerals mined in Finland are carbonates, apatite and talc.

Finnish engineering companies have during many years developed major innovations, such as Flash Smelting of copper, advanced automatic pressure filters, process integration and optimization services, etc.

In addition to globally known players like Outotec, Metso and Normet, a growing number of smaller Finnish companies offer specialized technologies, services and solutions to improve the productivity, based on green mining concept.

After presenting these facts Harry Sandström asked a rhetoric question: Why to invest in Finnish mining sector? Because Finland is predictable, transparent and open for long-term strategic policies with excellent infrastructure and because of our stable political and social environment.

He referred to extensive nationwide road, rail, port and data network. Competitive energy prices with robust and diverse energy infrastructure.

- We have an advanced industrial economy with a thriving private sector. Technology uptake and utilisation is high, with a diverse service sector, Sandström underlined.

Finland welcomes foreign investment as a boost to its economic dynamism. The country has, Sandström said, the world best geoinformation available.

- And last but not least, the corporate tax rate is 20 percent. Fraser Institute Annual Survey for Mining Investment, has ranked Finland in the top 5 during 2010-2016, Nr 1 position in 2014, Nr 5 in 2016. That's should be the reason enough, Sandström explained.