Mines and Technology: Saving heat and money in mining

The project manager and energy coordinator in Lundin Minings Swedish mine, Zinkgruvan, Rickard Skogsdal explained to the mining conference delegates how to save costs. Photo: Markku Björkman
Conference Mines and Technology in Finnish capital Helsinki. Photo: Markku Björkman

It is obviously still possible to diminish costs in mining business. During the second conference day the project manager and energy coordinator in Lundin Minings Swedish mine, Zinkgruvan, Rickard Skogsdal, informed about company´s new heat exchanger ”Christina”, which was built by company Gupex.

Skogsdal told, that before the installation the oil furnace started warming the influent air first at around 3°C, but after the installation of ”Christina” it now starts around -9°C.

This makes 12°C difference for the company. A normal winter this saves Lundin Mining an estimated 3000 m3 (3000 MWh) of oil, explained Rickard Skogsdal

Another heat exchanger with name P2 is expected to replace around 90 percent of the energy consumption. Calculated savings contain around 90 m3 (900 MWh) oil/year, which leads to a saving of 75 000 euro pro year.

- The mine Zinkgruvans district heating system used 300 m3 oil in 2014. By swaping to a pellet boiler we use a sustainable resource and can diminish the carbon emission. Thats how we can save 250 MWh just because of better boiler efficiency. The result; we cut the fuel costs in more than half, told Rickard Skogsdal

Heat exchanging through the traditional air compressors, means that Rickards company lost earlier 90 percent of air as heat. Now we have 1 800 MWh/year added effect to the district heating system. (Equal amount of 180 m3 of oil).

We are also exhanging the company mindset. We educate the truck drivers in eco-driving and we began to run trials with chip induced eco-driving. We also are avoiding to use lights and air supply where it is not needed, concluded Rickard Skogsdal.