Russian gold miner boosts investments

Photo: Polypus
Photo: Polypus

Russia’s leading gold producer Polyus has an-nounced it boosted its capital expenditure in the second quarter of 2019 to US$154 million, an increase of 56% compared with the first three months of this year.


A significant share of the investments were carried out at the company’s Natalka gold mine in Russia’s Magadan region, according to data from the miner.


"Capital expenditures at Natalka amounted to $48 million in the second quarter compared to $23 million in the previous period, reflecting pro-gress on construction works at the Natalka Mill’s auxiliary and infrastruc-ture facilities,” Polyus said in a statement. "This includes dam filling at a new tailings facility, the construction of water intake wells and the in-stallation of power supply systems at the fuel storage facility. The Com-pany also completed the installation of tanks at the fuel storage facility during the reporting period."