Kuovila Limestone has been granted mining permission

Limestone as a construction material. Photo: Wikipedia, credit: A, Ocram

The Finnish company Kuovila Limestone has been granted permission for ore mining by the Tukes safety and chemical authority for an area in Kemiönjärvi near Pojo. The aim is to investigate the potential of the area since it is known on the basis of old surveys that there is limestone.

The company will make various measurements in the area, according to news site Svenska Yle.

- At the same time, we are starting to look for social approval. We want to see if, given the environment and residents, there is the opportunity to start a mining operation in the area, explained CEO Hannu Repo for Svenska Yle.

Repo also has the company Juuan Dolomiittikalkki which has been operating in Juga in North Karelia since 1978, but Raasepori is brand new land for him.

- The mining circles are small and people in the industry talk to each other. One company had information about the area in question so we chose to buy the material from them, he said.

He emphasizes that it is only the issue of a permit to investigate the area at this stage.

- We haven't bought any land or anything, said Repo to Svenska yle.

Office work to begin with

You will probably not notice much of the investigation at this stage. A large part of the work consists of going through previous documentation and maps.

- It is paperwork that can be done at the desk, said Repo.

In 2021, it may be relevant to apply for a court order or continue to investigate the area.

On the site that the company is interested in, there is some settlement, but that is not the question of any densely populated area, says Repo.

- There are some holiday homes and some year-round housing. If we start operations there, we want to make sure that it is suitable for everyone, he assured.

Increased truck traffic

The most noticeable change in the case of mining operations is the increase in truck traffic in the area. A mine would also bring more employment, said Repo.

- We will use local labour for shipping. Most of the workers at the mine would be local.

The actual investigative work will commence in the spring of 2020 and if the company decides to start mining operations it will take place at the earliest in 2023.