Ariana Resources looks to extend Arzu North at the company's Kiziltepe mine

Photo: Ariana Resources
Photo: Ariana Resources

Ariana Resources, the exploration and development company with gold mining operations in Turkey, announces recent resource drilling results obtained from the Kiziltepe Mine ("Kiziltepe" or "the Project").  Kiziltepe is part of the Red Rabbit Joint Venture ("JV") with Proccea Construction Co. and is 50% owned by Ariana through its shareholding in Zenit Madencilik San. ve Tic. A.S. ("Zenit").




Infill resource drilling results from the Arzu North Vein include 7m @ 3.34 g/t Au + 54 g/t Ag, 9m @ 2.44 g/t Au + 41 g/t Ag, and 8m @ 2.88 g/t Au + 156 g/t Ag.


Significant mineralisation confirmed at far NW end of Arzu North, which sits outside of the current resource with the potential to extend further by several hundred metres.


Mining activities at Arzu North and Derya are fully underway, and grade control results obtained to date from Arzu North include: 2m @ 17.90 g/t Au + 147 g/t Ag, 3m @ 7.74g/t Au + 60 g/t Ag and 8m @ 2.05 g/t Au + 20 g/t Ag.


Dr. Kerim Sener, Managing Director, commented:


“The drilling results from Arzu North demonstrate that the vein system contains significant opportunities to identify further mineralised parallel structures which sit outside of the zones modelled to date.  Most importantly, we now have confirmation that the Arzu North vein system is not limited on its NW end and that significant mineralisation occurs in this area, which is not currently captured by the designed pit.  We will be working on ensuring we obtain forestry access to this area such that the full strike length of a further 470m can be tested all the way to Arzu Far North.  If further economic mineralisation is determined along this trend it will have a significant positive impact on the life of mine and the future economics of the operation. 


“The Company is working on a new mineral resource estimate for the Kiziltepe Mine to include all of the new drilling results.  This work will be completed once the results for the Arzu South deep drilling programme are obtained during December.”