Discovery of two new gold mineralized zones in Mauretania

Map: Algold

Algold recently announced the assay results from a regional rock chip sampling program carried out on the Tijirit property in Mauritania. Assays not only returned results grading up to 79.5 g/t Au and 71.8 g/t Au, but also indicate the discovery of a new gold-mineralized zone at the contact of a syn-tectonic granitoid and mafic volcanic rocks, less than five kilometers northeast of Eleonore (Figure 1)

Geological mapping and rock chip sampling carried out concurrently with the on-going 25,000-meter drilling program during the month of April 2017 identified two new mineralized zones. The first is a 1.5-kilometer-long mineralized gold structure located approximately five kilometers northeast of Eleonore, within the prospective granite-greenstone contact zone. The second mineralized zone is a potential two-kilometer-long vein system, about seven kilometers south of the currently defined Eleonore mineralization. Both areas represent new discoveries and have not yet been tested by drilling.

A total of 104 rock chip panel samples (gathered over an area of 1x1 meters, taken at the base of a series of one-meter pits) were collected during regional exploration and detailed mapping traverses. Of the 104 samples, 37 samples were higher than 1 g/t Au with 18 greater than 10 g/t Au. The results continue to demonstrate the significant potential for further high-grade gold zones to be developed throughout the more than 25-kilometer-long "Eleonore Corridor".

The eastern boundary of this contact is located 3.6 kilometers east of Eleonore and extends to the north for approximately nine kilometers. Auriferous quartz veins have been identified over much of this contact, located within a potential "pressure shadow" setting. All of these results are sited outside of the mineral resources currently defined on the property.

Of note is the 1.55-kilometer vein named "Salma", which is consistently mineralized along the 1.55-kilometer strike length tested during this program. The vein occurs within the granitoid body, 240 meters east of historic drill hole 12TRC142, which intersected 11.75 g/t Au over one meter in the supracrustal package. Where possible, rock chips were taken at 20-meter-spaced intervals along the vein. Visible gold was noted in several of the samples collected (Figure 2).

Algold Resources Ltd is focused on the exploration and development of gold deposits in West Africa.