Separatists in eastern Ukraine sell DTEK:s coal to dumping prices

Donetsk coal mine in separatist area in eastern Ukraine. Photo: DTEK

Separatists from the so-called Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics are trying to sell coal from Ukrainian DTEK - mines at half-price.

- We’re negotiating with our prospective customers who could buy our coal – Turkey, Spain. We consider it as our coal, but it is stolen. When we left there were some 450 thousand tons of coal at Sverdlovantrazit and Rovenkiantrazit, DTEK Enrego acting CEO Dmitry Sakharuk said.

According to him, Turkey could potentially become an active buyer of the illegal coal, as in Russia the separatists opportunities are limited.

“They are dropping the price considerably – by 30-50 percent. We’re working with this. Our task is to stop trading in our coal, he said, adding that there were attempt to ship some 50 thousand tons per month to Turkey.

“The coal is in the port. They use the port of Rostov and small vessels. There is a contract with Spain for 30 thousand tons”, he noted. DTEK Energy is a operating company responsible for coal production, electricity generation and distribution in whole  of Ukraine.

But, Directors of the following DTEK's companies: DTEK Mine Komsomolets Donbasa Private Joint-Stock Company (PrJSC), Mospino Coal-Preparing Enterprise LLC, DTEK Energougol ENE PrJSC, DTEK Skhidenergo LLC (stand-alone subdivision Zuyivska Thermal Power Plant), Public Joint-Stock Company (PJSC) "DTEK Donetskoblenergo", Tehrempostavka LLC, DTEK Sverdlovanthracite LLC, DTEK Rovenkyanthracite LLC, Elektronaladka LLC, DTEK Power Grid LLC and DTEK Service LLC, which are located in the temporarily uncontrolled territories of Donetsk and Luhansk regions, have been notified about the necessity to re-register the companies in the so-called Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) and Luhansk People's Republic (LPR) and take the inventory of their property.

(Source: Ukrainian metal)