Investors to place more focus on transparency, charges

Photo: GPF
Photo: GPF

A recent survey of institutional investors and wealth managers shows that in the next two years, 33 percent of the re-spondents expect a major increase in the value of investments switching from expensive funds to those with more competitive fees.


The survey, released by the Global Palladium Fund (GPF), also states that, in the next two years, 94 percent of respondents expect institutional investors, wealth managers and family offices to demand greater levels of transparency and reporting from the fund managers whose services use. Some 77 percent say the focus they place on trying to reduce fees will also increase.


“There is a growing number of funds available to investors, who at the same time are becoming more sophisticated in what they want from fund managers. Having very competitive fees and high levels of reporting and transparency are now just as important for fund man-agers to have as their stock selection and investment theme strate-gies,” said Alexander Stoyanov, the chief executive of GPF.