Australian miner advances gold project

Photo: Calidus Resources
Photo: Calidus Resources

Australian miner Calidus Resources has an-nounced its progress on the development of the 1.5 million oz War-rawoona gold project in the East Pilbara district of Western Australia, with mining operations expected to begin in mid-2021.


Dave Reeves, the company’s managing director, said in a statement that construction work on the project “continues to advance at a rapid rate since clearing of the processing plant area commenced at the end of February.”


“The, the project is now fully permitted and continues to advance on Budget and Schedule. The critical path area, being the CIL tanks is on track, with the concrete ring beams poured and the tank fabrication due to commence in May,” he said.


“We are on track to be commissioning the plant in less than a year, with mining set to start in the middle of this year,” according to the miner’s managing director.


Listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX), Calidus Resources is based in West Perth.