Semafo next year opens its fourth mine

Photo: Semafo

Average head grade of gold 5.72 g/t

Semafo next year opens its fourth mine, which will increase the proven gold reserve to a new record level. Natougou is a high-grade gold deposit located in the Est region in southeastern Burkina Faso. Construction is underway with first gold pour scheduled for the second half of 2018.

Following award of the mining permit in December 2016, earthworks commenced including clearing and grubbing, in addition to construction of the water storage facility. By end of April, procurement was well advanced with all long-lead items ordered and principal suppliers selected. Detailed design and engineering was also fully complete.

At the end of March, development was proceeding on time with $38 million invested. Construction expenditures are estimated to be approximately $100 million in 2017. The aim of the 2017 exploration programme is threefold: to upgrade the inferred resources on the West Flank to the indicated category; to investigate the potential for an underground operation; and to carry out exploration drilling on both proximal and local permits.