UK miner invests in Egypt

Photo: Altus

UK-based mining royalty company Altus Strat-egies has announced the discovery of further hard rock artisanal gold workings from field reconnaissance at its Gabal Al-Shaluhl and Wadi Jundi projects in the Eastern Desert of Egypt.


Steven Poulton, the chief executive of Altus, said that “following re-cent reconnaissance exploration by the Company’s Egyptian field team, 14 hard rock gold workings have been discovered at the Gabal Al-Shaluhl and Wadi Jundi projects, with an additional 35 targets still to be visited. These two projects comprise 1,044 km2 of our total landholding of 1,565 km2”.


The miner’s offshoot Akh Gold Ltd owns four gold exploration pro-jects in Egypt.


“Individual hard rock workings are up to 30m wide and 100m long and the presence of mechanised machinery at some of these suggests significant gold potential exists. In September, we announced the dis-covery of 37 hard rock workings across our Gabal om Ourada and Wadi Dubur gold projects,” Poulton said.