Project advances Vancouver-based A.I.S. Resources has launched RC drilling at its Fosterville-Toolleen gold project in Australia.
“The driller has been contracted to commence in November and most land access permits have been signed. Aircore/RC Drilling will start on the western side of the exploration licence EL006001. AIS will in-itially target 20 drill holes, with an overall 42-hole program planned,” the Canadian company said in a statement.
Phil Thomas, the chief executive of A.I.S. Resources, said that the miner’s “data includes the drill hole, gravity and soils information, as well as advanced models of the structural geology, soil-based gold pathfinders and relationship between the Permian lithology deline-ated. The Permian rocks where gold nuggets were previously found overlays the Ordivician sediments where historically gold has been found in the local area at Kirkland Lakes’s Fostervile Gold Mine whose high grade Swan Zone is located only 12 km from our project’s western boundary.”