Miner advances drilling at Nicaraguan gold project

Photo: Condor Gold
Photo: Condor Gold

Progress on investment Canada’s Condor Gold has announced it com-pleted some 3,370 metres of diamond core infill drilling and replacement of RC drilling within and around the starter pits of the La India open pit gold project in Nicaragua.

"During the third quarter of 2021, Condor Gold continued on its journey of de-risking the La India Gold Project, advancing the Project to near shovel-ready status. Several significant step-out and in-fill exploration programs were either advanced or completed. Additionally, the Company provided the key findings of a technical report on the Project which summarizes the results of a strategic mining study to Preliminary Economic Assessment standards," said Mark Child, the company’s chairman and CEO, as quoted in the statement.

The report presents two scenarios for the Nicaraguan project: an open pit mining scenario that covers four open pits, and a second scenario that layers in the underground resources located beneath the open pits, ac-cording to the statement.

"Both scenarios provide robust economics with a payback period of ap-proximately 12 months," Condor Gold said.