South African platinum producer to take over rival

Photo: Impala Platinum

South Africa platinum producer Impala Platinum has unveiled plans to purchase all of the shares in rival platinum producer Royal Bafokeng Platinum. The latest announcement comes shortly after Impala Platinum bought a 24.5 percent stake in the company for some ZAR 10.6 billion (US$654 million).


RBPlat is a mid-sized PGM producer with mining and concentrating operations contiguous to Implats’ Impala Rustenburg portfolio on the Western Limb of the Bushveld Igneous Complex in South Africa,” Impala Platinum, which also operates under the name of Implats, said in a statement. Its mineral reserve inventory is notable due to its size and quality, with a mechanised, Merensky-rich orebody, aligned to robust future demand for platinum, nickel and copper.”


Set up in 1966, Impala Platinum is listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE).