Canadian miner advances gold, silver project

Photo: Metallica Metals
Photo: Metallica Metals

Vancouver-based Metallica Metals Corp. has re-leased the assay results from the first three diamond drill holes car-ried out to demonstrate the high-grade gold mineralisation at its Starr Gold-Silver project in the Thunder Bay Mining District of Ontario, Can-ada.


The project, under which the miner has the right to earn up to a 100 percent interest from Benton Resources Inc., covers a significant land position of 5,991 hectares that “includes several high-grade gold and silver occurrences within a 20 km long segment of the southwestern section of the Shebandowan Greenstone Belt,” the Canadian busi-ness said in a statement.


Paul Ténière, the chief executive and director of Metallica Metals, said that the obtained “first drill hole results for the Starr Project have confirmed the continuity and thickness of the high-grade gold miner-alization present in the Starr Central target area and at shallow depths. We are also seeing good correlation with the historical drilling results, and this is encouraging as we continue to advance our 4,000 m drilling program and continue drilling in the Starr and Powell Zones.”