Positive results at Brazilian gold project

Photo: Cerrado
Photo: Cerrado

Toronto-based miner Cerrado Gold has an-nounced further assay results from its exploratory and infill drill pro-gramme at the Serra Alta deposit at the company’s Monte do Carmo project in Brazil.


“The infill/exploratory phase started in Q2/2021 targeting further ex-tensional areas to the known resource for the current Serra Alta de-posit and specific infill zones within the current resource,” the Cana-dian miner said in a statement.


Drilling in the second quarter 2021 has been focused both on the Serra Alta deposit and other satellite deposits. These include Capitão, Bit 3, Baru, Fartura, Ferradura, Eldorado, Magalhaes and Sucuri “where the presence of gold has been significantly confirmed in all targets and will be the subject of an upcoming press release,” according to Cerrado Gold.


Cerrado Gold currently operates the Minera Don Nicolas mine in Ar-gentina’s Santa Cruz province.