Drilling to begin at Mexican gold project

Photo: Southern Empire
Photo: Southern Empire

Vancouver-based Southern Empire Resources has obtained preliminary high-resolution, airborne magnetic and ra-diometric geophysical data that covers its Pedro gold project in Mex-ico.


“The Pedro Gold Project has the potential to host epithermal, bo-nanza-grade precious metal vein deposits as indicated by the HP Breccia Zone that was discovered in 2012 by regional grassroots pro-specting,” the Canadian miner said in a statement.


Local company Servicios de Ingeneria Ambiental y Seguridad S.A. de C.V. has deployed a diamond drill rig to the Pedro property. It is scheduled to launched a 2,000-metre, nine-hole core drill programme this month.


“The results of our preliminary airborne magnetic data provide some strong clues about the structural setting and underlying 'plumbing system' of the HP Breccia gold zone. Together with the regional gov-ernment magnetics, we see evidence for a deeper intrusive body that could be linked to the hydrothermal fluids and related potential for epithermal vein systems that are the target of Southern Empire's up-coming drill campaign,” said David Tupper, Southern Empire's vice president of exploration, as quoted in the statement.